GLOBALUNIES - “The powerful life-changing asset that can never be lost or stolen is Education" – Invest in it !
Globalunies is a platform for students all over the world. No matter which grade you are in and what skill you wanna learn, we are here to help all. Recorded and live classes powered by zoom and Google Classroom Online courses open the opportunity for learning to almost anyone, regardless of their scheduling commitments.
World of Education where you can Learn & Lead in your subject of interest , in society and in show more
Contact Information
Western Office : No 50 Elm Road, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham B76 2PH, United Kingdom, London, Eastern office : Unit 4B No 27 Parakum Mawatha , Hantana Place, Kandy, Sri Lanka
World of Education where you can Learn & Lead in your subject of interest , in society and in the world.
Education is an investment in people, society, world to make a better world. Education is not mere subject knowledge in a field or specialty to get a job and make an income. There are educational programs available to learn how to live a balanced, successful, happy, and healthy life. Pet training. How to play a musical instrument and many more… Therefore education can never end. We learn every day what to do and what not to do. Therefore education must be readily available for free or for a very affordable price. Facilitating such is the reason to create a Global Educational platform GlobalUnies.
We at GlobalUnies got no intention to compete with any education providers. We are keen to work with any education providers such as Teachers, schools, Colleges, Institutes, Universities, Academies, International organizations, Online platforms to achieve a common goal, that is to provide high-quality education to all around the world for FREE or for affordable prices. We invite you to join hands for that with us.
GlobalUnies is brought to you by joint collaboration of UMIFA and Unilak Group of Companies (International). UMIFA is a Charity , Unilak Group is a diversified International Conglomerate with offices in the United Kingdom and Sri Lanka.
Secure your future by learning skills
With over 1200 courses in 18 subjects, you’re guaranteed to find something that’s right for you.